Here are the Training materials and Helpful Documents that every Advocate needs:
Once you submit this form, these same Training Links will also be e-mailed to you. Be sure to check your SPAM or JUNK folder!
1. Download this zipped file and save it in a folder called "HousingWorks"
Helpful Files Forms and Guides!
2. Watch the Basic Training Video:
Basic Advocate Training 20 minutes plus . . .
You will be starting and stopping this video at each step, so please allow a full, uninterrupted hour or more for your training.
3. Use the service for a few weeks and then watch this Advanced Training Video:
Advanced Advocate Training 15 minutes - saves you hours every month!
You will be starting and stopping this video at each step, so please allow a full, uninterrupted hour. These advanced steps will save you ten hours a month if you have a heavy client load!