Please read carefully the following important iformation about PlexR Plus Plasma Treatments
Plexr Plus is an innovative medical device that was developed in Italy over 10 years ago and is used as an alternative to surgery. It uses the ionization of the gases in the air to form plasma, which creates a small electrical arc that treats areas of concern. This is done without spreading unwanted heat to the surrounding skin, called “soft surgery”. Your Plexr Plus specialist will create a retraction of the skin in the epidermis by creating combustion of the skin on the stratum corneum, (the top layer of the skin), without damaging surrounding tissue. This creates fine grey-brown scales, called “carbon dust”, which disappear 5-7 days after each session.
Plasma is the fourth state of matter, ionized gas. This means that plasma is a gas into which sufficient energy is provided to free electrons from atoms or molecules and to allow both ions and electrons to coexist. Plasma carries electrical currents and generates magnetic fields. Plasma is the most common form of matter, comprising more than 99% of the visible universe.
The treatment is carried out under topical anesthesia, numbing cream and can be used for numerous aesthetic concerns, treating loose facial skin, scarring, and to perform blepharoplasty (eye lid surgery). This technique has been used in over 53 countries for many years.
Risk and Discomfort include, but are not limited to:
● Pain - similar to snapping the skin with a rubber band
● Erythema/redness – Lasting up to 7-10 days but possibly a month.
● Swelling – may go away in 7-10 days or less
● Pigment Changes – Not common, but the treated area may heal with increased or decreased pigmentation.
Pigment changes most often with darker skin types and after exposure of the area to sun. This is the same type of hyperpigmentation (darkening) which may be associated with minor cuts or abrasions. The treated area must be protected from exposure to both UV rays and indoor blue lights ( cell phones, computers etc). This type of reaction tends to gradually fade away and return to normal over a period of three to six months if left untreated.
The following risks are increased if post care is not followed properly:
● Scarring – There is a very small chance of scarring or abnormal raised marks. Scarring is a possibility because of the disruption of the skin’s surface. Compliance with aftercare is crucial for the prevention of scarring.
● Bleeding – The treatment may cause some pinpoint bleeding which usually stops within a few hours after the treatment, without any lasting effect.
● Infection – If bleeding is present as a result of removing the scabs prematurely, an infection of the wound is possible. Any indication that there might be infection please contact the office immediately.
Skin crusts and scabs
It is important to know that for the patient to achieve the utmost results, blood (redness), swelling (water) and scabbing (crusty surface of healing skin) are necessary to build, repair and restore collagen. The first 48 hours after the treatment are the most important, as this is when the skin is rebuilding, and old skin will start to exfoliate.
Photographic Examples
The following series of 4 photos show an example of a lower eyelid / upper cheek treatment over the first 7 days following the treatment:

The next 2 photos show an example of upper eyelid blepharoplasty immediately before and after the PlexR treatment: