People who participate in KAP group therapy have the opportunity to benefit from sharing personal experiences, giving and receiving supportive and constructive feedback, and experimenting with new interpersonal behaviors. For a group to work, a safe environment must be created, and expectations for members and co-leaders must be understood by the participants. To ensure a safe environment for personal growth it is recommended that all participants agree to the following guidelines. You and your KAP therapist may choose to use group therapy if you and your therapist agree that it is in your best interest. However, your therapist may determine that group therapy is not the best treatment option for you. Or, you may decide that group therapy is not meeting your needs. If this occurs, you will be provided an individual KAP or a referral to another provider. Or, you may decide that group therapy is meeting your needs but that you have to start with a different cohort due to availability, if that is the case you will be put back on the wait list for the next KAP group offerings.
Confidentiality in Group Therapy:
Nancy Goodman and Amy Hill, as facilitators, maintain confidentiality and privacy standards for group therapy. However, confidentiality from other group members is not protected by these same standards, and facilitators cannot control what information other group members may disclose. Your confidentiality cannot be guaranteed in group therapy. Sharing in group can be anxiety-provoking; therefore we ask that you keep all information discussed in this group confidential. This request means that you may not discuss the identity or identifying information, or share the reactions of any member of this group with anyone outside of the group. You may talk about your own personal reactions, and are even encouraged to do so outside of group, but not about others’ identifying information or reactions. Confidentiality within group therapy is a shared responsibility among all members and is based on mutual trust and respect.
Group members are highly encouraged to make a commitment to attend group for the entire process which includes, 3 prep session, 3 medicine sessions and 4 integration sessions. You are also expected to arrive for the group on time every week. Group will always start on time. If you are running late or have an emergency/illness that prohibits you from coming to group, we ask that you call one of the co-leaders. If you know ahead of time that you will miss a later group session, we ask that you share the date of your absence with the group beforehand. Group will also always end on time, no matter what is being discussed. Although the expectation is to complete the group experience, in the event you decide not to continue and have explored your concerns with the leaders and other members, we ask that you come to an integration group to say goodbye. Though perhaps hard to imagine, members begin to care about one another and will feel unresolved if you leave without explanation.
Therapist Contact Outside Group Therapy:
Your therapist may need to meet with you outside the group. This may occur due to you experiencing a crisis, concerns about your or others’ safety, to discuss your treatment plan and progress in therapy, or to arrange a transfer, referral, or discharge. You may also request to meet with your therapist outside of group. You agree to meet individually with your therapist as needed, either in person or through telehealth services.
I understand that in order to ensure the effectiveness of group, facilitators may discuss group material outside of group with each other and/or professional colleagues in a consultation capacity.
I agree to behave respectfully toward all group members in order to maintain the safety of group. I understand that group members are encouraged to share aspects of their personal identity that are meaningful to them and are expected to be supportive of this sharing by others. Aspects of identity that might be discussed include race, ethnicity, language, nationality, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, ability, and socioeconomic status.
I have read, understand, and agree to the above.