Welcome to Mend! In order to provide the most effective therapy, there are important details to share. Please read the following and discuss any questions with your therapist before you sign. Your therapist, as a partner at Mend Couples Therapy LLP, is solely liable for your treatment.
Education & services: We provide tele-health therapy for individuals, couples, and families using a combination of Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) and EMDR. All partners are Licensed Clinical Social Workers, certified in EFT at the therapist and supervisory level, and EMDR trained.
Tele-health benefits & risks : Telehealth therapy is effective and convenient. Benefits can include increased resiliency and emotional regulation, distress reduction, improved relationships, and an overall improvement in well-being. It can stir up painful emotions and or memories, and while benefits are the desired and expected outcome, no specific outcome can be guaranteed.
Even with end-to-end encrypted software and full HIPAA protection, the possibility of data interception from unauthorized persons still exists in tele-health therapy. When you agree to therapy via technology, you agree to waive your protection of confidentiality with respect to information exchanged during the session that may be accessed by an unauthorized third party.
Further risks and limitations of tele-health include: potential for dropped, distorted, or unclear signals, and the loss of clinical information more easily obtained in a face-to-face session. All of these can disrupt the flow of the session, cause potential misunderstandings, or even impact your therapist's diagnostic or clinical recommendation.
Please treat tele-health appointments like an in-office visit. Give yourself time to transition into and out of your session. You will need a quiet, private space with a strong and reliable wi-fi signal. Your screen needs to be large and stationary. Do not plan on using your iphone or similar sized hand-held device. If a session becomes glitchy, you will need to troubleshoot, which might include disconnecting and reconnecting to the session. If troubleshooting doesn't resolve the technology problem, your therapist will contact you to reschedule.
As telehealth providers in Virginia, our clients must be state residents. To verify residency, your therapist will need a copy of your driver's license.
Getting started: Sessions # 1-4 are for assessment purposes. We want to ensure that our training, treatment recommendations, personal style, and virtual office work for you. Should we recommend a different type of therapy, additional mental health services, a face-to-face provider, or other treatment modality, referrals will be provided.
Confidentiality: All communications will be kept confidential. Unless mandated by law, your provider will seek your consent prior to releasing any confidential protected health information (PHI Further details can be found in our HIPAA policy.
Confidentiality specific to relationship therapy: In relationship therapy, there is one shared medical record. In order to release information from this record, your therapist will seek permission from all adult parties. Because the therapeutic focus is your relationship and the preservation of it, we request that you commit to keeping all information revealed during therapy, whether verbal or written, out of judicial settings. This commitment ensures that all parties can be open and honest.
Your provider is not obligated to hold confidences between partners or family members. Sharing information privately with your therapist that you are unwilling to share with your loved ones might be a contra-indication for ongoing relationship therapy.
Email and social media: As a practice, we avoid doing therapy via email, but we use it regularly for administrative purposes. Our standard practice is to use regular email for basic administrative issues, like appointment scheduling, and secure email for any communications containing detailed health information, such as insurance super bills. We cannot guarantee these communications will remain confidential.