There will be over 50 apprentices competing against one another this year. We are very proud of the hard work and dedication it has taken all of our apprentices to achieve their goals during their apprenticeship here IEC El Paso, especially during the past couple of years. For many apprentices the opportunity of Wire-Off and Graduation are often once in a lifetime experiences and accomplishments. With that being said we would like to focus and highlight the apprentices with the support from our electrical and IEC El Paso community and supporters of the electrical trade. As you may know, we depend heavily on sponsorships and in-kind donations to make these events happen for our students and our association each year. Your support would assist us in validating apprentice efforts and applaud their accomplishments. Please note due to wire-off and graduation being scheduled so closely together, we are using this platform to combine support for both events.
Please consider this sponsorship proposal and accept this unique invitation to support the electrical apprenticeship program and IEC contractor members in our regional community. Thank you for your consideration!