1 Property Owner Name First Name Last Name 2 Property Owner Name First Name Last Name Property Owner Primary Contact Phone # Phone Number Property Owner Primary Contact Email Address Email
Requestor information if anyone other than the property owner:
Requestor Name First Name Last Name Requestor Company: Prime Meridian Bank Requestor Contact Phone Phone Number Requestor Fax or EmailFax Number / Email
As of July 1, 2021, we are no longer allowed to send Replacement Cost Estimators according to FL Statute 626.9551 - please let us know below if you need something else and we'll be happy to help out!
http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0600-0699/0626/Sections/0626.9551.html (626.9551, #1 (e) )