Exam Eligibility
Pathway I: Complete a NEBO approved education program, ASO College of Ocularistry, (Program is a minimum of 10,000 hours of fitting and fabricating ocular prosthetics under supervision of a B.C.O. that is current and in good standing)
- Completion of educational program will be verified
- Letter from Sponsoring B.C.O. proving compliance & start time
Starting in January 1, 2021, Pathway I candidates must have Graduate Diploma in possession on day of exam to be eligible. (Diploma from the American Society of Ocularistry College of Ocularistry)
Pathway II: Complete 14,000 hours experience in fitting and fabricating ocular prosthetics.
Pathway II Applicant must provide documentation showing:
- Proof of start date*
- Proof of continued work duration*
- Proof of completion of time requirement*
- At least 2 (two) referrals from an ophthalmologist/Oculoplastic surgeon
- At least 2 (two) B.C.O.s for referral
*Types of Evidence may include but are not limited to, time sheets, pay stubs, employment contacts, referral letters, tax returns, etc.
Pathway I & II also require: One (1) color copy of government issued photo ID for exam verification.