Sending us this information does not automatically open a claim. We will review and forward your information to the most appropriate person to get your claim started.
It generally takes close to 48 hours for an adjuster to make contact with you and in situations where there is widespread damage, it can take longer. Know that claims are handled based on their severity so, the more minor the damage, the longer it may take to be contacted becuase the adjusters will focus first on those who have uninhabitable properties.
Document any action you take and do not make permanent or major repairs until you speak with an adjuster. Best practice is to proceede as if you did not have insurance and document any damage and any temporary repairs or expenses.
Please watch your email and text messages for your claim number and other conrtact information regarding this claim. As your agency, we can give you direction on who to call, but we are not licensed adjusters and have to direct you to your adjuster for any specific questions.