Please reference the example below when answering the next question.
24-Hour Dietary Recall Example:
6am wake time
6:30am 8 oz black coffee with oatmilk creamer
8am 1 cup Life cereal + 8 oz milk, 1/2 banana, 2 Tbsp hemp seeds
12pm Veggie Chipotle burrito with sofritas
3pm Prime drink
6pm 3/4 cup rice, 1 cup Thai yellow curry with green beans and potatoes
8:30pm 1/2 cup raspberry sorbet
10:20pm bedtime
Processed sugar (cookies, ice cream, etc.) Sugar sweetened beverages (soda, juice, etc.) Diet drinks Alcoholic beverages Beans/Lentils Nuts/Seeds Berries All other fruit Refined grains (white rice, white pasta, white bread, chips, crackers)Whole grains (brown rice, whole wheat bread, oats, quinoa, corn)Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts) Dark leaky green vegetables (spinach, kale, arugula) Fast foodEggs FishRed meatProcessed Meat (salami/cold cuts/deli)Lean meats (chicken, turkey, fish)CheeseProcessed meat and cheeseDairy products (milk, yogurt, cottage cheese) Plant-based dairy alternatives (soy milk, tofu, cheese, yogurt) Fermented foods (kimchi, sauerkraut, kombucha) Restaurants/takeout Microwaveable/pre-made meals
Foods you love (and prefer not to live without): Foods you dislike:
If yes, which one(s) and what kind of reaction? (i.e. Hives, itching, swelling):
If yes, which one(s) and what kind of reaction? (i.e. Bloating, diarrhea):
If yes, which one(s):If no, would you be open to testing?
Thank you for filling out this questionnaire!
Purpose: Nutritional counseling improves health and well-being but does not diagnose medical conditions.Information: Clients must provide accurate personal and medical details, kept confidential under HIPAA.Medical Issues: Suspected conditions will be referred to a physician.Client Responsibility: Disclose medical conditions and consult doctors before altering treatments.Recommendations: Clients are responsible for following dietary and supplement advice.Liability: Clients assume risks and release the RDN from liability.Telehealth: Services may use a HIPAA-compliant platform.Payment: Fees are due before each session.Termination: Either party can terminate with notice, but fees must be paid for services already provided.