**If paying by check, please enter coupon code CHECK and mail your check to:
Camp Zena
P.O. Box 688
Woodstock, NY 12498
** If paying by Zelle, please enter coupon code ZELLE and send to our email treasurer@zenarec.com or use this QR code:

Tennis: $85 per week
Group Swim Lessons: $103 per 2 consecutive weeks
Session 1: June 30th - July 11th
Session 2: July 14th - July 25th
Session 3: July 28th - August 8th
Classes were Monday - Thursday with rain make-ups on Friday.
**If signing up multiple campers from the same family in the same weeks, please enter coupon code SIBLING for a 10% discount for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc camper from that family. NOTE: the first child does not receive a discount.
**If signing up for 6 or 7 weeks, please enter code 6WEEKS for a 10% total discount.
** If signing up for all 8 weeks, please enter coupon code 8WEEKS for a 15% total discount.
** Only 1 discount allowed per camper registrant.
If a week is sold out that you'd like to register for, please email camp@zenarec.com to be added to our waitlist.
Please note our refund policy -- If you cancel registration for any camp week(s) by April 30, 2025, a 90% refund will be returned to you. If canceled between May 1st and May 31st, 2025 a 50% refund will be returned to you. If canceled June 1st or later, 2025, there will be no refund.