Take & Submit Your Photos. (See below for sample photos.)
Right-side image: Bite down so that your back teeth are touching and capture the right side of the mouth. Retract the lips and cheek with your finger for a better view.
Left-side image: Bite down so that your back teeth are touching and capture the left side of the mouth. Retract the lips and cheek with your finger for a better view.
Center image: Bite down so that your back teeth are touching. Directly face the camera and smile as broadly as possible to capture as many teeth as you can. Retract the lips and cheek with your fingers if needed.
Top-Center image: Lift your chin as high as you can and open your mouth wide. Position the camera so that the photo is perpendicular to the biting edges of the upper teeth and shows the full arch.
Bottom-Center image: Tilt your chin toward your chest and open your mouth wide. Position the camera so that the photo is perpendicular to the biting edges of the lower teeth and shows the full arch.