Our practice is committed to providing the best treatment for our patients, based on a diagnosis of what is needed to save and prevent further loss or damage to your gums or teeth. We charge fees that are usual and customary for our area. Our diagnosis will not be based on what your insurance company will cover, the amount of money you have left towards your maximum, or how economical the treatment will be. Again, it will be based on what is in the best interest of your dental and health care. Regardless of any insurance company’s arbitrary determination of what is usual and customary, you are responsible for payment.
Be aware that this is only an estimate. The actual amount could vary depending on what your insurance will cover or unexpected changes of treatment. You are ultimately responsible for any balance for services rendered. We cannot bill your insurance company unless you give us your insurance information. This information must be provided before treatment begins. Your insurance policy is a contract between your employer and your insurance begins. Your insurance policy is a contract between your employer and your insurance company. We are not a party to that agreement. Until your insurance company has paid their portion of services rendered, the unpaid balance will show on your monthly statement.