I am being evaluated for a physician's recommendation for Medical Cannabis. The physician will make recertification and recommendation based, in part, on the medical information I have provided. I hereby acknowledge that I have not misrepresented my medical condition to obtain this recommendation and it is my intent to use Medical Cannabis only as needed for the treatment of my medical condition, not for recreational or non- medical purposes. I understand that it is my responsibility to be informed regarding state and federal laws regarding the possession, use, sale/purchase and/or distribution of Medical Cannabis. I have been informed of and understand the following. I consent to email, text and or voicemail from the office of My Way Medical, LLC (Dr Sam 420) while understanding that these are not HIPAA compliant forms of communication necessarily.
SEE PDF FORM - 3 pages - below and read them. At the bottom of this form you will sign to acknowledge that you understand these terms of consent.