Quiz 1
First Name
Last Name
You must complete the intial Enrollment Forms prior to completing class 1. (If you have already completed the long enrollment forms, ignore this and proceed with the quiz.) If you have NOT completed the long enrollment forms, and received a welcome email from us, then do NOT proceed. Prior to completing this Quiz, you MUST watch the Video & click on the arrows to go through ALL 15 PAGES of the Reading Material prior to starting your Quiz. (You will need to click on the little arrows at the bottom of page 1 to go to all 15 pages of the reading material). Please DO NOT SUBMIT this QUIZ until it meets the minimum requirement of a 3-4 SENTENCE PARAGRAPH ANSWER PER QUESTION. You can GIVE EXAMPLES from your life and/or tell your thoughts about the question to make sure your answer is 3-4 FULL SENTENCE PARAGRAPH for each question. Please WRITE in the blank below: "I understand I will not get credit for this quiz if every question does not have a 3-4 sentence PARAGRAPH answer"
Please DO NOT START your Quiz until you have time to finish it. If you click out of the Quiz, your answers will not be saved and you will need to START OVER. You can Access classes you have Already Enrolled in by coming to the website from a laptop or desktop, click DASHBOARD, login, and click VIEW ALL MY COURSES to get back to the class you previously enrolled in. This Quiz opens in a separate window to allow you to go back to the reading material to ensure your answers are correct. To verify you undertand all of that please just write "I understand”
By signing my name below, I confirm I fully understand NO ONE IS ALLLOWED IN THE ROOM WITH ME while I am watching the video, reading the reading material, nor while I am completing my quiz. The class must be treated just as if I were going in person to a local class. I understand I CANNOT RECEIVE ASSISTANCE & NO ONE CAN BE SITTING WITH ME while I complete the class or it is a violation of class guidelines and enrollment in the program will be ended. (Please complete in-person classes if you are unable to follow the above guideline.) Please WRITE: “I understand NO ONE can be in the room with me while I’m completing any part of my class“ THEN Type your name in acknowledgement that you have read, understand, and agree to comply with the above paragraph:
All answers on all quiz MUST be written solely by you. Answers do not need to be perfeect, but they must be authentic and AI (artificial intelligence, chatgpt, google etc.) CANNOT be used in any way & will result in removal from the program if utilized in any way. Please type below "I understand answers must be written solely by me, no forms of AI may be used and failure to do so will result in removal from the program":
List the Code Words that were given in the video. (There were 3 Random Code Words given in the video like pink, New York, chocolate cake. Rewatch the video if you missed them). You do not 3 sentences on this question. Just list the 3 code words given in the video..
If you were one of those players, which coach would you prefer to have during the big game? Tell why you chose that coach and not the others.
Look back and think about the ways you have taken a “Time Out.” Do you go out drinking to try to forget all you problems---only to come home and see the problems have grown bigger? Do you waste the whole “Time Out” gripping and complaining about your problem? Or do you utilize your “Time Out” to focus on the good and to come up with a game plan to solve your problem? Which “forms” of Time Out have you done in the past? Why aren’t the first 2 very effective?
Statistically, what is the national average percentage of Defendant’s who will get a SECOND Domestic Violence charge within one year? Why do you think that number is so high? What are 3 practical things you can do to make SURE you don’t become a statistic too?
Describe what “5 Seconds to Success” means (Go back to the session to ensure you understand what it means--it does NOT mean take 5 seconds to breathe/count/relax). Write out a short pretend “scene” of you practicing using the technique
Describe how can we create our own internal “coach” in our head to keep us moving in a positive direction? What did we learn about our brain today and how can we use that to help us control our thoughts?
Domestic Violence Review: Describe a time in your life that you called “Time Out Coach” and went and took a break to get your mind right. What could potentially have happened if you had not taken that Time Out? (If you have never taken a voluntary Time Out, use a time in your life that you SHOULD have taken a Time Out)
Choose 3 Toxic Belief from the list below that you think may have helped fuel Sadistic Sam’s outburst. TOXIC BELIEFS: ---I need to have control over my partner…otherwise she might sleep with other men, leave me, mess up her life, or do something I don’t like. ---The whole world should revolve around me. ---Everyone should be perfect at every moment (except me). ---My partner should be able to read my mind. ---Things need to always be done the RIGHT way (my way). ---No one deserves a break but me. ---I am the boss of everyone. ---I should never show my feelings to others or they will think I am weak. ---Women can’t be trusted, they will all stab you in the back. --- When my partner does something I don’t like, I have to scream at them to teach them not to do it again. --- My partner should obey me and do what I tell her to do. --- I need to be pushy and demanding otherwise people won’t respect me. --- I am the man of the house and I need to always make sure she knows who wears the pants in the house or my partner/family will run over me.
Our thoughts are either going to fuel us up, or calm us down. Our goal as an adult is to develop an awareness of our thoughts so we can control them before they control us. SEPARATE THE FOLLOWING THOUGHTS INTO 2 CATEGORIES. LABEL EACH Thought below as whether they can "FUEL US UP" or "CALM US DOWN": 1. “I screw everything up 2. I can handle this 3. I need to chill out 4. this is driving me crazy 5. why are they so stupid? 6. I’ll never amount to anything 7. She’s so doggone forgetful 8. he's doing that just to make me mad 9. I’m getting better at this 10. I'm not a quitter 11. I know I can do this
(Each week your HOMEWORK is located at the bottom of the Reading Material. You will need to write the homework in your journal so you can work on it throughout the week and record your ANSWERS on the NEXT quiz. ) Homework: It’s important to give our brains something futuristic to think about. When you have a PLAN for your future, you are a lot less likely to fall prey to failing a test that pops out of nowhere. Your homework is to write out your 5 year vision. Don’t just be logical…dream a little…having hope is what helps us smile when the past and even the present aren’t all we want it to be. In your 5 year vision, cover all the major areas of your life…financial, your relationship/future relationship, parenting, emotionally, your career, educational goals/technical training/job certifications,etc, spiritually, paying off debt, socially..anything you aspire to do over the next 5 years. Try to be specific…it’s okay if it doesn’t all come true! In the box below write: “I have written my homework in my journal”
READ Carefully (we will know if you didn't): For your FINAL CLASS you will need to scroll down and select FINAL CLASS. So if you are required to complete 26 classes, you will take 25 classes and then SCROLL DOWN TO THE BOTTOM OF THE CLASS LIST (located right AFTER class 51 ) and select the one marked FINAL CLASS. Please write "I Understand I must scroll down & select FINAL CLASS for my last class"
NOW GO BACK AND COUNT YOUR NUMBER OF SENTENCES ON EACH ANSWER. Every answer must meet the minimum requirement of a 3-4 sentence long PARAGRAPH answer for each question or you will NOT receive credit for the quiz and you will just NEED TO DO YOUR QUIZ OVER. It's faster to do it right the first time. You can give examples from your life or give your thoughts about the questions to ensure each answer is 3-4 SENTENCE PARAGRAPH. GO BACK AND COUNT THE NUMBER OF SENTENCES ON EACH ANSWER then Please write below: "I am sure all of my answers are a 3-4 sentence paragraph"
Absence Policy: (Read carefully!) Please understand, these are classes for Adults. We do not babysit you. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to follow the guidelines in your specific case or situation. Each week you can complete your quiz anytime day or night but your Quiz MUST be received by Sunday night 11:59pm (Central) to avoid an absence. IF you do not submit your quiz, please submit it as soon as possible and GET BACK ON TRACK. For example, by the 10th Sunday after enrollment, you need to submit Quiz 10. Many cases do not allow more than 3 absences total. Please WRITE "I understand I must stay on track and I am required to complete 1 class per week due before Sunday night at Midnight"
Absence Policy: (Read carefully!) It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to follow the guidelines in your specific case or situation. Each week you can complete your quiz anytime day or night but your Quiz MUST be received by Sunday night 11:59pm (Central) to avoid an absence. IF you do not submit your quiz on time, please submit it as soon as possible and GET BACK ON TRACK. So for example, by the 10th Sunday after enrollment, you need to submit Quiz 10. Many cases do not allow more than 3 absences total. Please WRITE "I understand I am required to complete 1 class per week due before Sunday night at Midnight" Please WRITE "I understand I must stay on track so by the 10th Sunday I need to be submitting Quiz 10 prior to Sunday night at Midnight"
REFUND POLICY: (Read carefully!) You have been given the first 4 weeks free as our gift to you to Position You For Success to complete the program. Please use this time wisely and PLAN AHEAD financially so you will be able to remain compliant once your class fees start on week 5. Set your class fee aside now. By proceeding and typing your name below you agree to our Refund Policy: We do NOT guarantee these online classes will be accepted in your specific situation (it is your responsibility to reach out to those over your situation to confirm your requirements). However, We DO guarantee that any fees paid WITHIN THE FIRST 60 DAYS will be refunded if you find out these are not the correct classes for your situation. Any fees paid AFTER the first 60days are NOT eligible for refund (as the educational class material has been utilized whether or not they give you credit). Check with whoever is over your situation to confirm the requirements. Please type your name below in acknowledgement of and agreement to our Refund Policy detailed in the above paragraph:
***READ THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH CAREFULLY*** (We will know if you do not read it.) You will receive and automatic electronic confirmation once your quiz is successfully submitted from this website (be sure to check your Spam folder). As long as you do not receive an additional email from us requesting a correction or for your Quiz to be re-done, then you are done for the week. All answers MUST be 3-4 sentence PARAGRAPH long. It is much faster to just do your Quiz Right the first time than to Re-do your quiz. YOU CAN IGNORE THE DASHBOARD. WE DO NOT GO BY THE DASHBOARD, WE GO BY YOUR QUIZZES THAT ARE SUCCESSFULLY SUBMITTED. You can request a Formal Status Letter at any time by emailing us a request however, be SURE to allow 48 hours for your Status Letter to Be Processed. Please WRITE: "I understand I MUST allow 48 hours for Status Letter requests to be processed."
Please WRITE this sentence "I Understand most Cases do not allow more than 3 absences while completing classes" (Each case is different it is your responsibility to follow the guidelines in your specific situation. Most cases require you to Start Over if you have excess absences.)
Each Class gives credit for 1.5 hours. Please do NOT submit quizzes back to back with LESS than 1.5 hours in between quizzes. Most participants will do 1 class per week and this will not apply. Please WRITE: “I understand quizzes cannot be submitted less than 1.5 hours apart” below to verify you understand.
DO NOT SUBMIT YOUR QUIZ until you know you did a Great Job on each question. By signing my name below I certify that no one was in the room when I did my class AND all of the answers on this quiz have been written solely by me. I certify I am not receiving assistance in completing my classes from any third-party. I fully understand that NO ONE CAN BE IN THE ROOM and I CANNOT RECEIVE ASSISTANCE IN COMPLETING MY CLASSES and ALL ANSWERS MUST BE WRITTEN SOLELY ON MY OWN. (If I am assisting the Participant, by typing below, I certify that I understand that assisting the Participant with these classes is Fraudulent Criminal Activity. Please click out of this form if you are not the Participant). Please type your own name below to certify your agreement to the above paragraph:
Please read this ENTIRE paragraph carefully! (We will know if you didn't read it.) We do NOT go by the Dashboard on the website. YOU CAN COMPLETELY IGNORE THE DASHBOARD We go solely by your successful completion of these quizzes. When you submit your quiz, you will receive an automated Email verifying your quiz has been successfully submitted (check your Spam Folder too). We receive the same email once you submit your quiz. That is how you get credit for each class. UNLESS you get Another Email from us request a Correction, then you RECEIVED CREDIT FOR YOUR QUIZ. You can request a Status Update Letter at any time by Emailing us a Request with the SUBJECT LINE: "Status Letter Request" and be sure to allow 48 hours for your Status Letter to be Processed. Please write: "I have read the above paragraph completely"
I acknowledge and understand most probation requirements do not allow more than THREE (3) TOTAL ABSENCES during the program and that every situation is different, and I need to follow the guidelines in my specific situation. If we do not receive your Quiz by Midnight Sunday night it counts as an “absence”. Please write "I understand"
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