The Blue Ridge Pregnancy Center (BRPC) offers assistance to women who find themselves in an undesired pregnancy. We offer pregnancy tests, counseling, education, referrals, and practical help. We are not an abortion clinic and we do not make abortion referrals.
One of the services we offer is help for women and men who may be experiencing after-abortion stress. We can offer assistance on an individual basis, in a group setting or as a referral to the Deeper Still Retreat in Knoxville, TN.
I understand that the counselors at BRPC are peer counselors not professional counselors. The counseling is not intended as a substitute for professional counseling, but rather offers factual information, emotional and spiritual support, and practical help. I understand that BRPC is not giving medical advice or making a diagnosis.
I will not hold BRPC responsible for the outcome of any counseling or any other services that I may receive. I fully release BRPC from any and all liability whatsoever, including any financial responsibility in any way connected with the peer counseling I receive.
Thank you for your cooperation. We appreciate the opportunity to serve you. All information you give us will remain confidential. (Except in any situation whereby you are considering harming yourself or another person, or where another person has or is continuing to harm you.)