COVID-19 Close Contact Affidavit (Staff Only)
First Name
Last Name
I declare the following:
I have been notified that a preliminary investigation of contact tracing revealed that I may have been a possible close contact as defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
I understand that the term possible is used because The Pro-Vision Academy (PVA) cannot guarantee that the exposure met both criteria (within 6 feet for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more). However, because PVA believes that I met at least one (cumulative total of 15 minutes or more), they are being cautious and notifying me accordingly.
I understand that per the Texas Education Agency (TEA) for staff who meet the close contact threshold with a COVID-19 positive individual and are in one of the following groups, do not need to stay at home. GROUP ONE: Ages 18 or older and have received all recommended vaccine doses, including boosters and additional primary shots for some immunocompromised people. GROUP TWO: Was confirmed COVID-19 positive within the last 90 days and has fully recovered. Furthermore, I declare that I will adhere to this requirement set forth by the TEA for public school staff.
I understand that per the TEA for staff who meet the close contact threshold with a COVID-19 positive individual who are not in one of the above groups, it is recommended that the school system require that staff remain off campus during the stay-at-home period. If these staff continue to work on campus, rapid testing must be performed periodically for 5 days post-exposure, with testing on the 5th day recommended. Furthermore, I declare that I will adhere to this requirement set forth by the TEA for public school staff.
I understand that if I continue to report following a close contact notification, that a rapid test must be performed within 24 hours of close contact notification, and again 3-5 days after first rapid test. This is a minimum requirement of PVA staff identified as close contacts. Furthermore, I declare that I will adhere to this requirement.
I declare that I will wear a mask for the next 14 days, monitor myself for symptoms, and adhere to the recommended CDC guidance for close contact individuals while on campus.
Lastly, I declare that if I become ill, exhibit COVID-19 symptoms and/or test positive for COVID-19, I will notify the Chief HR Officer and my supervisor immediately, AND I will not report to campus. Furthermore, I declare that I will complete the COVID-19 Case Reporting Form if I test positive for COVID-19.
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