Excellent orthodontic results can only be achieved with informed and cooperative patients. While recognizing the benefits of a pleasing smile and healthy teeth, you should be aware that orthodontic treatment is not an exact science, and like any treatment of the body, has some inherent risks and limitations.
Decalcification -Permanent Tooth Discoloration - This can happen with or without orthodontic treatment. At times the cause is unknown; however, it is usually due to poor oral hygiene. Therefore, excellent oral hygiene, reduction of sugar in your diet, and reporting any loose bands or bonds as soon as detected, are a must in minimizing decalcification, decay and gum disease.
Periodontal Problems -Swollen and/or Receding Gums, Bone Loss and Tooth Mobility - Although the exact cause of some periodontal problems during orthodontic treatment is unknown, contributing factors are poor oral hygiene and general health problems. Gingival recession may occur where teeth are severely rotated or the surrounding bone is thin. Sore or swollen gums may also occur due to lack of proper brushing around the braces and gums.
Root Resorption -Shortening of Root Ends - This can occur with or without orthodontic treatment and its occurrence is unpredictable. Usually this presents no problem under normal healthy conditions; however, in extreme and unusual cases, this can affect the longevity of the teeth involved. It should also be noted that trauma, cuts, impaction, endocrine disorders, or idiopathic reasons can also cause this problem.
Nonvital or Dead Tooth -A Traumatized Tooth -Trauma to a tooth can come from a blow or deep filling. A traumatized tooth can become nonvital over a long period of time with or without orthodontic treatment. For these, or unknown reasons, teeth may become symptomatic and/or turn dark during or after orthodontic treatment and require endodontic treatment.
Impacted Teeth -Teeth Unable To Erupt Properly - These teeth have a defective path of eruption. In trying to move them or while making space for them, occasionally problems are encountered which may lead to the loss of the tooth or adjacent teeth, endodontic treatment, or periodontal problems.
Headgear -Instructions Must Be Followed Carefully - You should not engage in physical activity or games while wearing your headgear. If it is pulled out with the elastic force still attached, it can snap back and cause injury to the face or mouth.
Lack Of Patient Cooperation -Most Common Cause For Increased Treatment Time - Insufficient wearing of elastics or headgear, poor diet, broken appliances, and missed appointments are important factors that can lengthen treatment time and adversely affect the quality of results. A lack of patient cooperation in any of these areas may result in the need to remove all orthodontic appliances and discontinue treatment.
Temporomandibular Joints ( TMJ) -Sliding Hinge Joint Connecting The Upper And Lower Jaws - Jaw joint (TMJ) pain or clicking may occur at any time during one's life. Although the exact cause(s) are difficult to determine, tooth position and bite may be a factor. Orthodontic treatment may lessen or eliminate the dental causes of TMJ syndrome, but not the non-dental causes. Unfortunately, scientific evidence indicates there is no guarantee that orthodontic treatment will resolve TMJ problems.
Growth Patterns -Facial Growth During Or After Treatment - Bad habits, unusual skeletal patterns and insufficient or undesirable growth can compromise the dental results, affect a facial change and cause shifting of the teeth or bite during retention. These factors are beyond the orthodontist's control and in severe cases, surgical procedures may be recommended to treat these problems.
Post Treatment -Tooth Movement Relapse - There is a likelihood that some teeth will shift after treatment. Some of these changes are natural and may or may not be desirable. Rotations, lower anterior changes, and slight spaces in extraction sites or between the upper central incisors are the most common examples. Proper wearing of your retainers will minimize these problems; however, when retention is discontinued,. some relapse is still possible.
Unusual Occurrences-Swallowing Appliances, Chipping Teeth, Dislodging Restorations, Other _________ - This information is not intended to discourage you from having the recommended orthodontic treatment and it is unlikely that the above will be a problem in your treatment, but we do want you to be fully informed. We sincerely believe the many advantages to be gained from orthodontic treatment far outweigh these possible risks and limitations. If you have any questions about this information, please do not hesitate to discuss them with us.
I consent to the taking of photographs and x-rays before, during and after treatment, and to the use of same by the Doctors in scientific papers, demonstrations or marketing purposes. We will ask for verbal permission before any images are used for marketing purposes.
I certify that I have read or had read to me the contents of this form and that I understand the information and consent to orthodontic treatment