The Academy Enrollment Form
Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Full Address
Phone Number
What is your profession license type and specialty?
State(s) Licensed in?
City and counties you plan to provide services in?
Type of private practice you are starting? (primary care, psych, specialty, etc.)
Main setting of your private practice (office, house calls, facilities, etc.)
Not including loans or credit cards, how much expendable income (cash) can you invest into starting your private practice?
More than $10,000
What payment plan did you choose?
One payment
Two payments
Three payments
Do you have any business experience?
I have no business experience
I have a little business experience
I have general business experience
I am a current or former business owner and have business experience
Are you currently employed?
Yes, full time
Yes, PRN or part time
No and looking for employment
No and not currently looking for employment
Please choose the best (2) days of the week AND (2) time-frames that work best for you for live Zoom meetings
3pm-5pm EST
4pm-6pm EST
5pm-7pm EST
6pm-8pm EST
Saturday (between 10am-12pm EST only)
Please choose all the of the social media pages that you currently have and are technologically savvy with navigating
Tik Tok
What is your Facebook name to be added to the private facebook group? Please copy and paste the link OR type your name exactly as it appears on Facebook or paste your Facebook profile link.
Do you have an attorney or any type of legal aide?
Do you have an accountant or financial advisor?
Do you currently have a registered business that you will be using to operate your private practice? If yes, what is the name of business?
Do you have a collaborative physician or medical director or do you require one? (if required by any state you are licensed in)
Do you plan to accept insurance in your practice?
I plan to be a hybrid practice and accept insurance and cash
I do not plan to accept insurance but I want to be credentialed
What are three main things you want to learn about during this consulting and coaching program?
What are some things you need to overcome in the process of starting your practice/business?
Why do you feel like this is the best time to start your private practice?
Should be Empty: