Prescriber Satisfaction Survey
Prescriber or representative?
No Opinion
Your initial contact with Sunray Drugs Specialty was:
How do you rate Sunray Drugs Specialty's telephone response rate and the ease of speaking with a pharmacist?
How do you rate Sunray Drugs Specialty's referral support?
How do you rate Sunray Drugs Specialty's response to your concerns and/or questions?
The information provided by Sunray Drugs Specialty w\hen you needed additional patient information (health condition, medication information, etc.) was:
The written information you received from Sunray Drugs Specialty regarding its services and its patient management program was:
Sunray Drugs Specialty's communication with you regarding your patients' progress or compliance with their medication regimen is:
The service Sunray Drugs Specialty has provided for your patients as compared to other specialty pharmacy providers you may have used or are using is:
To the best of your knowledge, how do you think our patients rate their experience with Sunray Drugs Specialty?
How would you rate our overall service to you and your experience with us?
Do you know which of your patients are enrolled in Sunray Drugs Specialty's patient management program?
Please Select
How can we better serve you and your patients?
How can we improve our services to you as a prescriber?
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