Weight of Child at Birth: pounds, ouncesDuration of pregnancy: Were instruments used: YES NO If yes, what: Was the delivery: Spontaneous Induced Cesarean Breech Was there anything unusual in the baby’s condition at birth or soon after, such as: Injury Cord wrapped around neck Bruises Jaundice Blue coloring Other Was the baby given blood transfusions or exchanges at birth?YES NOWas the baby given oxygen? YES NO Were there any problems after birth? YES NO If yes, Feeding Problems Other Illness, Explain Was baby released from hospital with the mother? YES NO If no, when?
If you child has had more than one ear infection, how old was the child when the ear infections occurred? How were the ear infections treated: Check any surgery your child has had. Specify date of surgery, where, duration of hospitalization, and attending physician: Tonsillectomy Adenoidectomy Ear Surgery, any type Orthopedic surgery, any type Cardiac surgery, any type Other surgery
Is the child presently on medication? YES NO * If yes, specify name and reason prescribed: *
Does any member of the family have similar problems that the child has? YES NO If yes, describe who and what was the problem Is child allergic to food, drink, insect bites, etc:YES NO If yes, explain
How old was your child when he/she used his/her first meaningful word, other than “mama”/“dada”? What was the word? Does s/he have difficulty pronouncing any sounds? YES NO If so, which ones? Can parents understand his speech? YES NO Relatives? YES NO Playmates? YES NO Teachers? YES NO
Do you suspect any hearing difficulty? Yes No Has your child’s hearing been tested? Yes No If yes, When Where? Results? Has your child been diagnosed with a hearing impairment? Yes No If yes, by whom and when Please describe hearing loss that has been diagnosed: Do you think he hears your voice? Yes No How do you know? Does he know from which direction sounds come? Yes No Does he hear better with one ear than the other? Yes No How do you get the child’s attention when his back is turned away? Can your child understand directions/and or conversation: Yes No If “no”, what behaviors have you observed? Has your child been diagnosed with an auditory processing disorder? Yes No