Joe and Mary Wilson Community Benefit Fund
of Mary Washington Hospital
Stafford Hospital Community Benefit Fund
Mini-Grant Application Guidelines

Mary Washington Hospital (MWH) and Stafford Hospital (SH) Foundations are now accepting mini-grant requests of $1,000–$5,000 from nonprofit organizations.
MWH and SH Mini-Grants will be awarded by Mary Washington Hospital and Stafford Hospital to assist nonprofit organizations which provide services that address the top three areas of focus for the 2022–2025 Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) and the Community Needs Assessment (CHA) conducted by Mary Washington Healthcare (MWHC) and the Rappahannock Area Health District (RAHD) as well as the other five health needs determined by the community in the CHA.
The top three priorities of the CHIP, which will also be the highest priorities for mini-grant funding, are:
- Access to Healthcare (Enhanced collaboration among community partners, enhanced public transportation, and improved access to behavioral health services for community members.)
- Affordable Housing (Development and promotion of policies that ensure equitable housing opportunities for all, including the homeless, and the provision of affordable home ownership opportunities.)
- Mental Health (Improved access and collaboration for preventive services for all community members, and development of a comprehensive pipeline strategy to increase the local healthcare workforce.)
The remaining five community health initiatives of the CHA for which mini-grants may also be awarded are:
- Chronic Diseases (including heart disease, stroke, hypertension, diabetes, and cancer)
- Education (including PreK–12 and post-secondary schooling and training)
- Infant and maternal health outcomes in the African American community (including strategies to reduce inequities and disparities)
- Obesity (including the causes, treatment, and impact on overall health)
- Substance abuse (including causes, addiction and impact of opioid and alcohol abuse)
In addition, mini-grants may be awarded for initiatives that align with and support MWHC’s mission and strategic community health priorities and/or Social Determinants of Health.
Please contact the Grant and Community Benefit Funds Manager at 540.741.1433 if you need assistance.
Eligible nonprofit organizations may submit a MWH or SH Mini-Grant application at any time during the year. Requests must be between $1,000 and $5,000.
Recipients are restricted to receiving one grant per calendar year unless approved by the Foundation Office. Grants will be awarded on a continuous basis as applications are received. Funding will be available until December 31 of the designated year, or until funds have been exhausted. Consequently, applicants are advised to plan, as fewer requests can be granted towards the end of the year. All mini grant applications are due in the office by December 10th of each year.
Grantees with current Mary Washington Hospital or Stafford Hospital Community Benefit Fund grants are not eligible to receive a MWH or SH Mini-Grant unless the grant application is in support of a CHIP goal.
Applicant organizations must be classified as tax-exempt by the Internal Revenue Service and provide services to residents within the Mary Washington Hospital and Stafford Hospital primary service areas, which includes the City of Fredericksburg and Stafford, Spotsylvania, Caroline, King George, Westmoreland, eastern Orange, and southern Prince William counties.
The decision of which Foundation will review your grant application will be determined by the areas served by the grant.
MWH and SH Mini-Grants will not be made for the following purposes:
- Events or programs which are exclusive
- Reduction of organization deficit or debt
- Capital building expenses
- Fundraising events
- Lobbying
- Individual stipends
Submitting an Application
All applicants are required to submit an online Mini-Grant Application. The application must include a completed application with the requested signature. Applications lacking the correct signature will not be considered.
Applicants must complete each section of the application fully, describing well-defined services and/or programs that are consistent with the mission of Mary Washington Hospital, Stafford Hospital, and the funding priorities of Mary Washington Healthcare.
Applications will be processed within a reasonable timeframe based on the date the request is received at the Mary Washington Healthcare Foundations Administration Office and the implementation date for the proposed project. Applicants will be notified via electronic mail regarding the final determination.
For all approved Mini-Grant Applications, a Letter of Agreement must be signed by the applicant organization and received at the Foundations Administration Office prior to release of the designated funds.
The organization receiving a MWH or SH Foundation Mini-Grant must provide a progress report within three months after receiving the grant (as stipulated in the Letter of Agreement) describing the following in a narrative format:
- The extent to which the organization has met performance objectives.
- How the organization delivered services and programs to the target population.
- Community commitment and support for the organization and the project.
- Evidence of the project’s impact on the community.
- Detailed budget reconciliation.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact the MWHC Grant and Community Benefit Funds Manager at 540.741.1433.