Final Expense Questionnaire
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Hello, {{CLIENT}} this is {{Agent}}. It looks like you recently responded to an ad online about possibly looking in to state regulated burial programs for you family in the case you pass away and I just had a second to get back to you before my next appointment.
You Listed the state you lived in was_________ is that correct?
CLIENT I like to give my clients the layout of our conversation today. The first part of this call, is pretty basic it’s really more for us to find out what you might be eligible for…. What you have in place right now when something does happen to you, compared to what you might be looking for as far as financial protection. It's beneficial to see what that GAP looks like & to see if we can actually help you.
Then at the end of the call if you feel that this might be what you’re looking for, we can discuss possible next steps.
Would that help you? Or… Are you with me? GREAT
CLIENT, a couple of quick questions so we can design something specific for you that you want. As a professional I work a lot like a doctor, I ask a few questions so I can do a good job and help you get the important things completed. That’s my job, to help people get the important things done while avoiding the big mistakes.
So, today, CLIENT, I’ll ask a few questions, I won’t ask you anything you can’t ask me & by the end of our time together we will know if it’s a fit to work together. If it is a fit, that will be great, and if not, for any reason that’s totally okay.
My goal is to help you arrive at a yes or no decision, and you already know CLIENT, I am good either way.
5. CLIENT, I know we are here today to talk about life insurance. Do you currently have any IRA’s or 401-K’s that has the guaranteed death benefit option? (They will either say they don’t have any of those or what do you mean).
Well CLIENT, we can discuss this later, but insurance companies can put a Guaranteed death benefit on your IRA so that your beneficiary will never get a smaller amount based on low performance. We can chat more about that another time if you want to. (Leave it alone and mark it for a future conversation).
Now, one of the most common needs my clients have is that if something were to happen, your family would need to be able to continue paying bills, manage their life and kids, and to take care of the mortgage. Is that how you feel? [wait for answer]
Okay CLIENT, we are almost done. Let’s go through a quick exercise and then we will know if it even makes sense to look at some Numbers.
(If the Carrier comes back for them to do a Guaranteed Issue then tell them):
The Modified plan is a way companies can get the cost down and make sure it affordable for people in your situation with the few things you have going with your health instead of a STANDARD whole life where the cost is just going to be obnoxious and unaffordable since you have (insert some bad health things they have). And I’m sure you dont want some big old premiums every month right…?
So what they do is the Modified plan (will insert what the plan is-) Will actually give back 110% of your premiums in 1st 2 years and pay out full coverage day 1 in the event of an accident.. and after 2 years ballon’s to the full coverage and I mean heck you plan on being here in 2 years dont ya???
Does that make sense???
(They say yes I move forward and don’t talk about it again..)
CLIENT I am honored to be able to have helped you and your family today and look forward to working with you and your loved ones for a very long time.
(Go over take away and reiderate the policy getting to them via_____. Also, make sure they have your contact information and you send them a phone contact to save in their phone contacts should they need anything.)
If you need me on the call I have placed my calendar at the bottome to schedule your time with the client in the premise you will need to research the carriers and use the text above in setting the appointment for later.
The Certificate of Insurance PDF Template provides for use comprehensive details what is usually contained in an Insurance Policy. This certificate of Insurance Template contains information on types and limits of coverage, policy number, the policy holder's name, the named beneficiaries, insurance company, the policies' effective periods, and other important details to the policy.
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Create a car accident demand letter for you or your client. Collect electronic signatures. Works on all devices. Secure, encrypted sign forms.
Automatically generate custom insurance quotes with this free, online Insurance Quote Template! Download or print as PDFs. Share with clients in seconds.
Create a professional insurance agreement. Accessible from any smartphone, tablet, or desktop. Drag and drop to customize. Share and embed quickly.
These templates are suggested forms only. If you're using a form as a contract, or to gather personal (or personal health) info, or for some other purpose with legal implications, we recommend that you do your homework to ensure you are complying with applicable laws and that you consult an attorney before relying on any particular form.