This Statement, together with the Employee
Handbook, forms part of your Contract of
Employment (except where the contrary is e
xpressly stated) and sets out particulars
of your main employment terms with Nexgen
London Ltd, Unit 4 A/B Wintersells Road, B
yfleet, Surrey, KT14 7LF.
By signing these Contract of Employm
ent, you agree to all of the followi
ng conditions:
Prior to commencement of your employment
you are required to accurately complete a
New Employee Form and, if required, a Di
sclosure and Barring Service Application
form. You must provide all necessary ide
ntification documents to verify your iden
tity and right to work in the UK. You wi
ll also be required to produce proof of N
I number and proof of address, such as ba
nk statement or utility bill. Failure to
provide all necessary paperwork and info
rmation by Day 1 of your employment will
result in you not being processed as a ne
w employee and you will be removed from y
our site of work.
You are required to complete all document
ation in a correct and truthful manner an
d to carry out your work in accordance wi
th the cleaning specification designed fo
r the contract you are engaged upon. A co
py of the cleaning specification can be s
upplied by your Area Manager upon request
. Your continued employment is dependent
upon the same.
You must advise us of any change in you
r personal details and by completing ou
r New Starter Forms and signing this Co
ntract of Employment, you consent to co
pies of your ID and DBS information to
be provided to the client upon request.
2. Medical/D
isability Cond
You are required to inform your Area Manag
er if you have a pre-existing medical cond
ition or disability. If so, you will then
be asked to provide further information i
n order to assess that it will be safe for
you to carry out work on the client's pre
Your employment is subject to a three-mon
th probationary period, which can be exte
nded If your Area Manager feels this is a
You are contracted to work hours per we
ek, where your schedule has been agreed
as follows:
Your hours may be adjusted with one weeks' n
otice given at any point throughout your emp
loyment with Nexgen Services. You must alwa
ys arrive on time for work, work your design
ated number of hours and leave at the correc
t finishing time. Extra work may be required
of you and will be paid at your standard ho
urly rate.
School/Education Centre Personnel Only: Y
our normal working week will be between M
onday and Friday with hours arranged as r
equired. TERM TIME ONLY. This generally a
mounts to approximately 39 weeks per annu
m but may vary depending on school's acad
emic calendar. No holiday entitlement may
be taken during term time. You will also
be required to carry out periodic cleani
ng outside of term time and the dates and
time for this type of work may vary and
will be arranged by your Area Manager. Yo
ur annual holiday entitlement is pro-rata
based on the reduced number of weeks wor
k per annum.
All Other Establishments: Your normal wo
rking week will be between Monday and Fr
iday with hours arranged as required. It
may be necessary to work some weekends
and these extra hours and rates will be
arranged in conjunction with your Area M
Your employment is also conditional on
you working your full contracted numb
er of hours.
If required, we reserve the right to re
duce or increase your contracted hours
by providing the appropriate statutory
notice in writing.
You must always sign in and sign out of w
ork stating your own name and accurate ti
mes. Falsification of your name, start a
nd finish times in the signing in books w
ill result in a deduction from your stand
ard hours and you will only be paid for a
ctual time worked.
Abuse of this system constitutes gr
oss misconduct and could result in
We reserve the right to make deductions
to your salary if this occurs over a p
eriod of time (in order to reimburse th
e client accordingly).
We operate an electronic time attendance
system on some sites. You will be require
d to use this system if it is in place on
any site we ask you to work at. You will
be fully trained in its operation.
Should it be necessary, we reserve the r
ight to transfer you to another section/
area within your current site, or transf
er you to another geographical work loca
tion within a reasonable distance.
8. Conditio
ns of Employm
These may be subject to change after con
sultation with affected employees by giv
ing 24 hours verbal notice, followed by
written notice within one week. There ar
e no terms contained in collective agree
ments, which affect your employment.
You will be paid four-weekly, one-week i
n arrears directly into your own bank or
building society account. Hard copies o
f payslips are not supplied. You agree t
o have your pay slip sent to the email a
ddress you have provided.
As part of your employment, if you are re
quired to have an Enhanced Disclosure and
Barring Service check, which provided al
l required information has been provided,
we will submit on your behalf.
Where uniform and/or PPE is required, yo
u are responsible for the cleanliness an
d general upkeep of the uniform and/or P
PE issued to you. We reserve the right
to make deductions from pay where this h
as not been followed.
We reserve the right to make a deduction
from your wages against any damage caused
to client's or company property by your
negligent or wilful action. This includes
breakages or spillages at the clients' p
remises. Furthermore, the cost of any una
uthorised telephone calls made on the com
pany's or the clients' telephones or comp
any mobile phones provided to you will be
deducted from your wages and could resul
t in dismissal through gross misconduct.
Non-attendance will result in no pay and
requires notice to your Area Manager by 1
2 noon of the same day.
Non-attendance without prior notice and
without a satisfactory explanation is
regarded as potential gross misconduct
and may be subject to disciplinary acti
on and possible dismissal.
Non-attendance due to severe weather or d
ifficulties with public or private transp
ort will result in no pay.
Should you be suspended pending investig
ation, you may or may not continue to re
ceive wage payments, depending on the in
herent nature of the issue and investiga
We do not oper
ate a sick-pay p
You are entitled to statutory minimum pai
d holiday per annum, between 1st April an
d 31st March each year, if you work 52 we
eks per annum. This entitlement includes
all Bank/Public Holidays that fall during
your contracted work period. Additional
Bank Holidays will come out of your entit
Dependent upon the date of commencement o
f employment, all entitlement will be cal
culated on a pro-rata basis. All leave,
including Bank Holidays, will only be pai
d as Holiday provided the entitlement has
been accrued.
Holiday entitlement for part-time empl
oyees, or employees working less than
52 weeks per annum, will be calculated
on a pro-rata basis.
No paid holiday entitlement m
ay be taken in advance or pai
d in lieu.
Holiday requests must be put in writing t
o your Area Manager at least two weeks pr
ior to your intended leave period and wil
l only be granted dependent upon adequate
staffing levels. Any overpaid holiday w
ill be deducted from your wages. Any unu
sed holiday entitlement cannot be carried
forward from one year to the next. If y
ou work at a school or education centre n
o holiday entitlement may be taken during
term time. Holiday entitlement is only a
llowable outside of term time.
14. Terminat
ion of Employm
General cleaning personnel a
re required to give one week
s' notice.
Site supervisors, housekeepers, janitor
s and site managers, are required to gi
ve at least two weeks' notice.
Failure to comply with this notice will
result in a reduction of your final wage
s in lieu of notice.
The period of notice provided to you b
y the company will be in accordance wi
th statutory provisions.
15. Workplac
e Pension Sche
Nexgen Group will enrol any employ
ee who automatically qualifies for
a pension.
We will deduct the appropriate statutory
percentage from your wages (employee's
contribution) and contribute the appropr
iate statutory percentage (NEXGEN's cont
You have the right to opt-out and yo
u can do this by notifying our payro
ll department
16. Securit
y & Confidenti
Anything you see or become aware of in t
he course of your employment which relat
es to a client's business is not to be r
epeated to any third person. All matter
s of clients' business are private and c
Any keys issued to you are your full resp
onsibility and must be kept securely and
be returned upon request when your employ
ment ends. Any loss of keys must be repo
rted immediately, and any replacement cos
ts may result in a deduction from your ne
xt wage payment.
The use of Company vehicles, equipment,
tools, materials etc. for private or p
ersonal use is strictly forbidden.
Minors under the age of 18 or any other
persons not in the employment of the Com
pany are forbidden to enter any place of
work. The Company accepts no liability
for any event where this rule has been
No person is allowed to cover your area
in your absence due to sickness or hol
iday, unless authorised by your Area Ma
nager. In those circumstances, that pe
rson must fully complete a Nexgen Onboa
rding Pack, thereby becoming an employe
e of the company.
Statement on Employee's Responsibilit
ies (Health & Safety At Work)
This statement is issued to help you operate
in a safe and healthy manner. You are legal
ly required to read and understand the compa
ny's health and safety policy and carry out
your work in accordance with its requirement
You Must carry out your duties so that you
do not endanger the health and safety of
your fellow worker
the general public. You must co-operate wi
th your employer on these matters. Your ind
ividual responsibilities should be explaine
d by your Area Manager and you should infor
m them of any existing medical condition or
disability you may have.
You are to report, to the person named abov
e, any accidents or dangerous occurrence an
d also advise the Company for which we are
carrying out the workload.
If a machine becomes unserviceable, you doub
t its safety or its PAT testing is due to ex
pire/has expired, report the matter at once
to your Area Manager (above), or immediate S
ite Supervisor. DO NOT attempt to use it. DO
NOT tamper, attempt to repair or allow any
unauthorised person to use or tamper with Co
mpany's machinery.
It is dangerous to mix materials. Read the i
nstructions on the container, do not mix mat
erials, open containers while keeping them a
way from the eyes, do not sniff into contain
ers; do not store them near fires or hot pip
es. DO NOT put materials into a differently
labelled container. COSHH Data Sheets and sa
fe systems of work must be observed.
Always use the correct tools, equipment and
materials. Do not 'make do', improvise or
misuse equipment. Work methodically and wit
h care. DO NOT run on slippery floors or ha
ve too large an area wet at any one time. E
nsure you use safety signage. Keep all lead
s away from anything that might cut them an
d keep them away from water or other liquid
s. Do not remove or interfere with anything
provided in the interests of health and sa
fety (e.g. First-Aid, and Fire Extinguisher
s etc.) Know who can provide first aid in c
ase of an accident and where the first aid
materials can be found. Fire: Make sure tha
t you know where your nearest fire exit is
and can find it in the dark. In case of fir
e do not use lifts (which may jam). Do not
use lifts if you are the sole occupant of a
building in case they jam. For the same re
ason do not use lifts if any electricity st
rike is imminent. Should you need to cross
an unlit office or corridor proceed slowly,
feeling for hazards, telephone wires etc.,
with your feet also feel for projections w
hich would catch your head.
Put all equipment away in a clean condition
and report any which are not fully serviceab
le. Store materials in a safe manner. You ar
e also to report any damage you may have cau
sed to the client's property. If any job ca
nnot be done safely, leave it and report tha
t matter to your Area Manager (above), or im
mediate Site Supervisor. If your employer p
rovides protective clothing, you are to wear
it and keep it in good condition. If you h
ave any doubts about your work consult your
Line Manager, or immediate Site Supervisor.
Your signature confirms you comply with the
Company's Policy Statement on the Health &
Safety at Work Act above.