This is a Pet Boarding Contract (hereinafter
“this Agreement”) between the
(Pet Wellness Center – Pet Hotel is a Divisi
on of the Pet Doctor Veterinary Clinic), here
inafter called the “PET HOTEL”) and the pet o
wner whose signature appears below (hereinaft
er called the “
1. The Pet Hotel agrees to exercise
due and reasonable care to keep its
premises sanitary and properly enclo
2. The owner acknowledges and
accepts that despite the enforcement of pest
control measures, there may still be potentia
lly harmful or lethal pests, such as rats, ti
cks, cockroaches, and mosquitoes, present in
the area that the Pet Hotel's enclosures cann
ot entirely protect against.
3. The owner agrees to pay the rate for board
ing in effect on the date Owner’s pet/animal
is accepted for check-in by the Pet Hotel.
Owner further agrees to pay all costs and cha
rges for special services requested and for a
ll veterinary and transportation costs for th
e pet/animal during the time said pet/animal
is in the care of Pet Hotel.
Any outstanding balances not paid within 30
days are subject to re-billing fees of 18% AP
R (0.015/month), min. $25 fee/month.
4. T
he Owner understands and explicitly agrees to
be solely responsible for any and all acts o
f behavior of its pet/animal occurring during
the term and time of this Agreement
and specifically waives and agrees to releas
e Kennel from any liability with respect to i
ts pet/animal of any kind, character, or natu
re whatsoever, arising out of or from boardin
g this pet/animal, or any and all damages whi
ch may accrue from any other cause whatsoever
including loss by fire, theft, running away,
death, injury to persons, animals or propert
y, or death or injury to any other animal cas
ed by the within named pet animal/s during th
e term of this Agreement, whether this pet/an
imal be on the premises of the Kennel or not.
5. The Owner understands that in no event sha
ll the responsibility and/or liability of the
Pet Hotel exceed the sum of Two Hundred Doll
ars ($200.00) and Owner agrees to limit the r
esponsibility to Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00
) for any and all damages sustained or suffer
ed by reason of the boarding of this pet/anim
al. Owner further explicitly agrees not to cl
aim any damages against said Pet Hotel of any
nature whatsoever, either by way of contract
, equity, negligence or otherwise, in excess
of said sum.
6. Owner represents that he/she is the sole o
wner of the listed pet/animal(s) in this Agre
ement and that no lien or mortgage against it
s pet/animal(s) exists.

7. The owner specifically represents that its
pet/animal(s) have not previously shown signs
of aggression towards other animals or peopl
e and further agrees to be fully responsible
and liable for all acts or behavior of said p
et animal/s while in the care of Pet Hotel.
8. Guests are charged for their date of arriv
al, regardless of what time they check-in.
Check-out time is 10 a.m. Guests who depart a
fter 10 a.m. will be charged for the departur
e day.
9. Upon approval of the staff, reservations w
ill only be confirmed upon receipt of a compl
eted and signed boarding agreement, the requi
red veterinary records, and a
non-refundable deposit
of 50 percent of the
estimated boarding fee
(non-refundable payment in full for Nov. and
Dec. reservations). The remaining fees are d
ue at check-in time.
10. The Pet Hotel shall have and is hereby gr
anted, a lien on the Owner’s pet/animal(s) fo
r any and all unpaid boarding and/or other ch
arges resulting from the boarding of said pet
animal(s) with the Pet Hotel. If the Owner f
ails to pay all charges and/or claim said pet
/animal(s) within 3 days of scheduled pick-up
, Kennel has the right to sell said pet/anima
l(s) or otherwise dispose if it/them, at its
discretion. The owner agrees to pay at double
the daily boarding rate for each day after s
cheduled pick-up.
Owner does hereby entrust the Pet Hotel to ca
re for said pet/animal(s) and authorizes the
Pet Hotel, in its sole discretion, to perform
whatever is necessary for the health and wel
l-being of the Owner’s pet/animal(s).
Owner further explicitly authorizes the Pet
Hotel to seek for veterinary intervention ava
iled directly from the Pet Doctor Veterinary
Clinic and agrees to pay for any and all expe
nses relating to the pet/animal(s)’s medical
expenses. Owner agrees to hold Pet Hotel harm
less for any illness, accident, or injury and
specifically agrees to be solely responsible
for any and all damages that pet/animal(s) m
ay cause to Pet Hotel and to Pet Hotel’s atte
ndants, other animals, guests.
12. Owner acknowledges that despite Pet Hotel
’s best effort to avoid accidents and illness
, that such accidents and illnesses sometimes
occur. In the event of a life-threatening si
tuation, and the Pet Hotel cannot communicate
with Owner, Owner directs that the Pet Hotel
shall (choose just one of the following):
Initial: _____ Engage i
n all possible measures
to save the pet/animal
Initial: _____ Def
er to the veterina
rian’s recommendat
13. In the event of excessive
Owner authorizes t
he Pet Hotel to us
e anti-bark collar
14. In the event of undesirable pet behaviors
, which include, but not limited to the follo
wing: signs of aggression and destructive beh
aviors, etc.,
Owner agrees that P
et Hotel may “crate
” the pet/animal(s)
If this action does not solve the problem, t
he Pet Hotel will notify Owner by telephone,
text or e-mail and Owner agrees to promptly r
emove pet from Pet Hotel’s premises. Prepaid
boarding fees for unused days will be refunde
d to Owner. “Undesirable behaviors” shall be
defined solely by the Pet Hotel.
In the event of any dispute or claim related
to this contract, the parties agree to resolv
e the matter through arbitration under the ru
les established in the Philippines.
The appointed arbitrator will have the autho
rity to award the prevailing party not only t
he costs associated with the arbitration proc
ess but also reasonable attorney’s fees, ensu
ring that the victorious party is compensated
for their legal expenses.
16. This Agreement contains the entire agreem
ent between the parties, and all terms and co
nditions will be in effect for this and all f
uture boardings at Pet Hotel. Any changes to
this contract must be agreed to in writing by
both parties. All terms and conditions of th
is Agreement shall be binding on the heirs, a
dministrators, and assignees of the owner of
the within named animal/s.